Thursday, November 20, 2014

Milk Jug Masks Tutorial

1. Clean out a 1 gallon milk jug

 2. Determine the shape of your mask and outline it with the sharpie.

 3. Outline your eyes, mouth, nose, etc as well

 4. Then with either an exacto knife or a pair so scissors pierce 
the milk jug and cut along your outlined mask.

 5. Then go ahead and cut out the eyes, mouth, and nose while you are at it. 

 6. With masking tape cover your whole mask in any way you would like.
Just make sure it is all covered!! 

 7. Once you have your mask fully covered with masking tape make sure 
you have everything covered and securely on your mask, and most
 importantly that you are pleased with how it looks! 

8. Then determine where you want your mask to have hair and then use a
 hole puncher to pierce the holes in your gallon. 

 9. Then after you punch your holes, use shoe polish to cover your mask.
 It is best to use a good quality to avoid fading. I used and brown and black shoe polish 
to get a rustic and unique look. I applied the shoe polish by dipping a paper towel 
into the shoe polish and then rubbing it onto the mask. 

10. Let your mask sit for ten minutes after you apply the shoe polish to allow it to dry. 
While waiting for the mask to dry, pick out the colors of paint you would like to design your mask with. I suggest using acrylic paint instead of tempura, because tempura will flake off. 

11. Once dry continue to paint your design. You can get ideas from
 looking at other african or island masks. Or you can make it up on your own. 

12. Allow the paint to dry once you are finished with your design. 

13. Once your paint is dry, you can start adding your hair to your mask. 
I am using straw for the hair. Add your hair by looping it through the punched hole. 

 14. Then pull the remaining straw through the loop you created 
and repeat until the wholes are filled.  

15. Then you have your finished product. Another option to the hair is 
that you can add beads by tying or braiding them on.  However, once the hair
is put on, you are finished with your milk jug mask!!! 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Milk Jug Masks

The purpose of this assignment was to create a mask by using a milk jug. The instructor brought in pictures of masks to help give some ideas, and then demonstrated how to do the milk jug.

This assignment was really fun to do and work on and is great for any age! While working on my milk jug I used two different types of shoe polish to get a unique color. I used a brown and black mixed together and applied it by using a paper towel. Then when it came to paint my mask I chose red, yellow, and white. I used the milk jugs handle for my nose because most of the masks that we observed in class had exaggerated features such as their noses and face shapes. Great project to work on!


This assignment we were instructed to look at other batiks and prints done on clothing, then we were instructed to create our own design on a poster. We then traced the design onto a piece of fabric with a  paste made with flour, water, and another substance I cannot remember. Then we let the paste dry over night and then painted it the next day with acrylic paint.

For this assignment I created my design by remembering the movie "Tangled". I loved the pattern of the yellow sun with the purple back ground and also how it represented a flower. So when creating my piece I kept that in mind and used flower like symbols and then suns in the middle. Then I used the colors in "Tangled" red, yellow, orange, and purple. I was really happy with how it was turning out. After I applied the paint then I let it dry, after the paint was dry I pealed off the paste and then washed the fabric to remove access paint and let the stain sink in.

For tutorial click here: and

Coil/Pinch Pots

This assignment we were instructed to create a pinch pot with even walls and thickness. We were instructed that we can make the pinch pot into anything and add textures to our pot.

When creating my pinch pot I liked the idea of a leaf because of my love for nature. Plus all the other times I have made a pinch pot, I have never ventured out from a regular pot. On the outside of my leaf I decided to carve tree branches with leaves into the side. Once the pots were dry we were able to paint our pots either using acrylic, tempura, or watercolors. I decided to use the acrylic paints and when using the paint on the outside, I found that where I carved the trees and leaves it outlined it, giving it a cool rustic look to me. I liked the inconsistency of the color making it a cool effect.

For tutorial click here:

Chinese Brush Painting

This assignment was super interesting! Our instructor had ordered chinese ink kits where we had to grind our own ink. Our instructor demonstrated three different strokes to use and then put them together to make it into bamboo. We were to practice these strokes and then create our own bamboo using the strokes that we have learned.

When creating my bamboo I found that I would constantly have to be making more ink because it would run out so fast. The stroke I had the hardest time with was creating the leaves for the bamboo. I also had a hard time with holding the brush straight up and down instead of sideways like I am used to. However, all in all it was a fun project to work on. I liked seeing the three strokes come together to make bamboo. Word of caution when working with rice paper, it absorbs water really easily so test the ink out before placing it onto the rice paper!

For tutorial click here:

Wire Sculptures

This assignment we were asked to create a sculpture with wire that would belong in a circus.

I personally had a very hard time working with wire. I got several cuts and could not get the shape I wanted for the life of me! That resulted in me creating a barrel for my wire sculpture. Yes, there are barrels in the circus and with all of the elephants that my peers created they needed a barrel to play with! Not my favorite, but I did enjoy seeing our circus come together!

You can find the tutorial for this project at: