Monday, November 17, 2014

Chinese Brush Painting

This assignment was super interesting! Our instructor had ordered chinese ink kits where we had to grind our own ink. Our instructor demonstrated three different strokes to use and then put them together to make it into bamboo. We were to practice these strokes and then create our own bamboo using the strokes that we have learned.

When creating my bamboo I found that I would constantly have to be making more ink because it would run out so fast. The stroke I had the hardest time with was creating the leaves for the bamboo. I also had a hard time with holding the brush straight up and down instead of sideways like I am used to. However, all in all it was a fun project to work on. I liked seeing the three strokes come together to make bamboo. Word of caution when working with rice paper, it absorbs water really easily so test the ink out before placing it onto the rice paper!

For tutorial click here:

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