Monday, November 17, 2014

Rhythm Sculpture

The purpose of this assignment was to demonstrate our knowledge of making patterns and creating rhythm by using color and shape. 

For this assignment I used warm colors (red, yellow, orange) to use in my pattern. I started using the red circle blocks to get a base of the pattern, then I started adding upon the pattern using yellow styrofoam to add contrast between the layers of the red circle blocks. Then to make my sculpture stick out I filled the holes of the red circle blocks with sticks to add more to the piece. Once our sculpture was laid out the way we wanted it, we glued it on to the black styrofoam board and then mounted it on to a thick white card stock and then signed our name to the sculpture. This was a fun project because it allowed my mind to think creatively on how I wanted to portray my sculpture and it was fun to see it all come together in the end. 

For tutorial click here:

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