Monday, November 17, 2014


This assignment we were instructed to create a weave using a loom created from a styrofoam plate measured on each side approximately a half inch in between each measurement. Then we were to cut the marks we measured and then thread the yarn through the slits we created. Then we were instructed to to create this weave by using fabric, straw, paper, and anything else that we could weave into our piece of work. How we went about weaving was to do the opposite of the last weave. So if we were to go over the first yarn then we were to go under the yarn one we were to start a new row. 

For this assignment I created this weave by braiding certain fabrics together to get that twisted look between the red and teal green colors. I tried to also include warm and cool colors into this piece because I felt that it gave the weave a nice contrast. I also included straw and paper into this weave because I feel that it made it more like some of the original weaves. This was a fun assignment that was a nice change from painting and drawing. It was fun to learn a new technique and strategy to create art work. 

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