Monday, November 17, 2014

Coil/Pinch Pots

This assignment we were instructed to create a pinch pot with even walls and thickness. We were instructed that we can make the pinch pot into anything and add textures to our pot.

When creating my pinch pot I liked the idea of a leaf because of my love for nature. Plus all the other times I have made a pinch pot, I have never ventured out from a regular pot. On the outside of my leaf I decided to carve tree branches with leaves into the side. Once the pots were dry we were able to paint our pots either using acrylic, tempura, or watercolors. I decided to use the acrylic paints and when using the paint on the outside, I found that where I carved the trees and leaves it outlined it, giving it a cool rustic look to me. I liked the inconsistency of the color making it a cool effect.

For tutorial click here:

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