Monday, November 17, 2014


This project we were instructed to create a mandala. The mandala needed to be symmetric and we were  to create the mandala as a representation of who we are.

In my mandala there is a ton of nature/wildlife, this is because I love the worlds natural beauty and love being outdoors. In the middle of my mandala there are two of my favorite places to be, that is the mountains and the beach. These are places that make me feel peace inside, which is why they are in my middle of my piece. Then moving outward it branches off into trees. One of the trees is my family tree and the other is for my future husbands family tree. They are connected in the middle because one day our families will come together. The birds represents my immediate family. I am the oldest of 3 siblings.  Creating my mandala I was able to express myself and share with people what I really care about.  

For tutorial click here:

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